
Strategies for Managing Academic Stress: Taking Care of Your Time (pt. 4)

Hello, my friend! πŸ‘‹

Today’s post is about time management. Lack of time or poor time management may be the source of your academic stress. Managing your time will help you in the long run; you’ll probably be more relaxed and focused on the present, knowing that you’re doing the right thing at the right time.Β 

Before we tackle this topic, I’m curious:

How do you evaluate your time management? Do you think you’re doing a good job or need to improve? No matter how organized a person is, there’s always room to improve, isn’t there?

May these tips help organize your time and allow you to find balance in life!

🎯 Prioritize

Many students feel overwhelmed by activities because they want to do everything at the same time; however, we know that isn’t possible. Therefore, define which activities are important to pursue now and those that can wait. Take the step to declutter whatever’s in excess and stick with what’s needed for the moment.

πŸ“… Create a master schedule

Based on your priority list, create a calendar for the month and enter each of your priorities, including classes, meetings, and work. Then go through each of your programs and write down all quizzes, midterm exams, and due dates. Having all your tasks listed on a calendar will help you visualize the work you have for each week and each day.

🚫 Block your free time

Schedule tasks that require more energy and concentration for the times of day when you have the most focus. Then schedule tasks that require less energy for the times when you can afford your energy to be lower.

πŸ’†β€β™€οΈ Take time for yourself

Don’t forget to schedule time to take care of yourself and spend time with family and/or friends. You need that time to renew your energy.

πŸ“Š Be realistic

Only put the activities you can complete on your daily schedule. Remember, time management takes practice and intentionality. As you adapt to using the calendar and to-do list, you can add or remove priorities and tasks.

πŸ“‹ Break big projects down into smaller tasks

When the task is large and complex, the tendency is to procrastinate. So break it down into small tasks. As you complete the small tasks, you will stay motivated to finish the project as a whole. The Pomodoro Technique can help you accomplish this. Read more at Pomodoro Technique.

πŸ—‘οΈ Eliminate distractions

Distractions can interfere with your concentration and performance. So pay attention to what distracts you and remove them. Here are some examples: turn off your cell phone notifications, leave your cell phone away from your workplace, use headphones with white noise to remove external noises, and declutter the place where you study.

⏳ Do one thing at a time

The multitasking concept is a myth. When you have too many things at once, your brain switches tasks and has to refocus. This causes fatigue, making you less efficient.Β 

🌷 Add pleasure to your study experience

Add motivation to studying through a reward when you complete a task, be it chocolate, coffee or tea, an episode of your favorite series, etc. This will help release endorphins into your metabolism and give you an incentive to keep working.

πŸšΆβ€β™‚οΈ When stuck, move on

If some lesson or task seems impossible to understand or complete, ask someone for help and move on to another task. Don’t spend hours focusing on the problem, however significant it may seem; being stuck will only slow you down and drain you. Time is precious, so why not use it on something else in the meantime?

⏰ Take time to plan your time

Once a week, take some time to think about your week and plan ahead. This will help you know what to work on and make the best use of it.


I hope these tips help you improve your time management in your crazy student life.

One last thing before I go: set boundaries! I know there’s a lot to do; I’ve been there! Sometimes it seems that the 24 hours and seven days a week we’re given isn’t enough for the amount of work we have. But this is where we must realize there’s always work to be done, and we can only do so much.

So, my friend, do your best in the time you have set to study, work, and enjoy your life outside of university. Take care of your body and mind, have a social life, and manage your time well. Here’s to your academic stress decreasing and your time management skills improving!

A big hug πŸ€—

reminder: you can text/call IFI’s prayer line whenever you’re feeling overwhelmed, discouraged, and/or need help. 1-800-372-1013

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